Electronics Goes Green 2024

  • 18/06/2024
  • Berlin, Germany

The Electronics Goes Green 2024+ constitutes an important gathering of researchers, policy makers and industry players dedicated to driving sustainability in the electronics and ICT sector, highlighting commitment to prioritise environmental considerations and promote eco-friendly practices across the industry’s value chain. The event will take place between 18 and 20 June in Berlin.

Drawing inspiration from the previous successful conferences, which have highlighted the evolution of scientific topics and practical innovations in line with technological progress, the mission to make best use of electronics and  achieve global sustainability goals continues in 2024. Electronics integrate every aspect of our lives, and it is a collective responsibility to navigate the ecological, economic, and social impact of this technological diversity.

Explore the numerous dimensions of green electronics and contribute with insights, breakthroughs, and ideas at Electronics Goes Green 2024+, steering electronics towards sustainability, from silicon to practical application.

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